Methods of Repair

From Scantic Books:

In the tradition of poet laureate Billy Collins’s Musical Tables, Michael C. Keith’s haiku-like micro poems focus on the irony and folly of human nature. At once compelling and provocative, Methods of Repair takes the reader to places only a vivid and original imagination could and, in the process, inspires smiles and shudders, all leading to increased awareness of who we are as a less than perfect species.

“I found the microscopic, microtonal Rumi-nations of Methods of Repair, fiction writer Michael C. Keith’s first venture into verse, instantly engaging and a pleasure to read.” —Lloyd Schwartz, Pulitzer Price winner and author of Who’s on First: New and Selected Poems


Methods of Repair cover


“Pings delivers the reader through subatomic communiques, electric ‘jolts of awareness’ about the ever-shifting realm of human emotion and experience-a world both familiar and exotic, if not alien at times.In this uniquely original volume, over 220 lyrical sketches inspire the reader to thought and inquiry—both familiarly-footed and utterly transcendent—about who we are and why we act as we do.”


Pings cover

The Loneliness Channel

The Loneliness Channel, now available on

The Lonliness Channel cover

“Michael C. Keith confronts the pandemic of loneliness with frank and discomfiting matter-of-factness in his book of micro-prose, The Loneliness Channel. The volume offers up moments and fragments and glimmers, often raw, often painful, that speak to our isolation, our solitude, our ongoing struggle to connect.” —The Boston Globe